Export a List of Apps from an Android Device

This method assumes a fair bit of computer knowledge, as it involves command-line tools aimed at developers.

  • Download Android SDK platform tools from the download page and unpack them, or use your package manager.
  • Enable developer settings on your device, specifically USB debugging.
  • Connect your device to your computer using USB.
  • Type these commands from a terminal (assuming your current directory is where you unpacked the download) to list the connected device (to check that the connection works) and list (in this case) enabled packages:
.\adb.exe devices -l
.\adb.exe shell pm list packages -e

Disable turn off the volume on OnePlus phones with power and volume up

I think that my OnePlus 8 Pro is a wonderful mobile device. There is one thing though that has irritated me a lot. There is a physical three-position switch to set it to ring, vibrate or be silent, which is really good. But for some reason, you also mute it if you press the power button and volume up. That is really awful, because holding down exactly those buttons is the shortcut to the screen where you switch it off and reboot, and more importantly, select a card to use for Google Pay. I use that a lot, but when I do, I also turn the volume down to 0 and more often than not forget to change it back.

There is no setting in the GUI to turn disable this irritating shortcut, but I finally found a way to do it on the OnePlus forum. It involves using Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to set a certain hidden setting. ADB is part of Android SDK platform tools, which you can install on your computer. If you have Android Studio, you already have it. To be able to use ADB, you must put your phone into developer mode and connect it to the computer via an USB cable. On Windows, the location of these platform tools are %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk\platform-tools, so using PowerShell the command looks like this:

cd $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Android\sdk\platform-tools
& .\adb.exe shell settings put secure volume_hush_gesture 0